CSS3图片调整元素的颜色的亮度,使用的滤波特性 brightness()方法


Adjust the brightness of an element’s color, for use by the filter property. A value of 100% or decimal value of 1 leaves the image as is, while 0 produces black. Increasing the value from 1 or 100% brightens pixels from their original values.

This CSS property value is reflected in the following image:

filter: brightness(40%);
filter: brightness(0.4); /* same */

f17-boatonlake2.jpg f18-boatonlake2bright.jpg


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View live exampleThe following example shows the difference between two images, where one has a brightness of 50%:

filter brightness.png


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Filter example</title>
      .foo {
        float: left;

      .bar { 
        -webkit-filter: brightness(50%);
    <img src="http://www.webplatform.org/logo/wplogo_transparent_xlg.png&quot; class="foo" />
    <img src="http://www.webplatform.org/logo/wplogo_transparent_xlg.png&quot; class="foo bar" />

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